Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The torch is past as rap transitions back to pop

There are not many video’s that can cover so many different relationships as well as this video does. This was a well-made and creatively fun video.  In this music video “Baby” featuring Justin Bieber there is two groups clearly represented. The opening scene shows a group of teenage girls already in the bowling alley enjoying the night. It appears a group of boys show up with Bieber in a preplanned meeting. As teens at this age are beginning to show attraction to the opposite sex this would be considered very normal. The video taking place in a bowling alley accomplishes two things. With the size of a bowling alley it is the right size for the teens to dance safely without appearing staged. Second and probably more important is it connects the current generation to those of that past.

            With the introduction of Ludicrous a rapper with Bieber an up and coming pop start the merging of styles may be seen as passing of the torch. As times change so does the music industry and this video is no different. When you consider a thought of maximizing profits this video hits two cultures and bridges the age gap. The creator of this video did his/her homework when it comes to the reality of a Ludicrous to Bieber interaction. As they sing together you can get that almost adoptive big brother feel of their blend of styles. This relationship shows an egger young Bieber looking up to an older and more experienced Ludicrous

Analyzing “The Miseducation of Hip-Hop Discrimination in Education”

Jamilah Evelyn the author of, “The Miseducation of Hip-Hop Discrimination in Education” tackles the question of stereotypes or is it an age gap. Evelyn writes about a young student that has falling on some financial issues and is forced to go back to college in his home town area. The student Jason Hinmon faces discrimination at school based on his appearance. Hinmon dresses in the style of the youth of today, dark-hued with dreadlocks. All though what a person wears does not make the person, there is a time and place for everything. If Hinmon showed up to a rap concert wearing a business suit he would very well receive a similar look. Yes, he can dress a certain way and still be a good student but your attire typically determines how a person will view another person.  Dr. Midgette’s belief of students dressing for higher education is somewhat justified.  In the same respect that Hinmon would not dress for business at a rap concert, some consideration should be made for school. When visual appearance is involved the perception will always be dress for success at work and be relaxed and comfortable on your free time.                                                                                                                             

Analyzing “The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures”

In the essay, The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures author’s Neil Postman and Steve Powers set out to answer a question of the mind. The question Postman and Powers seek to find out what has the greater influence in essence light or sound. Through their essay and the information provided from within it, we hope to find the differences between pictures, moving pictures and language.

Postman and Powers thoughts on pictures were that they missed the element of depth. Sure a picture could convey a level of emotion but their quote says it all “By itself, a picture cannot deal with the unseen, the remote, the internal, the abstract”. (Postman and Powers, POP Perspectives pg, 485) Based on this statement it’s obvious the pictures require additional components to stand out.

Language can be consider a pure form of expression and based on how the words are linked together determine the meaning. With language as long as the statements are not altered the reader receives the information as intended. When it comes to language with pictures “Language makes them comprehensible”. (Postman and Powers, POP Perspectives pg, 485).

In moving pictures the sky’s the limit, your imagination is not require just look and learn. It appears the authors Postman and Powers bring a strong point when it comes to moving pictures. “This leads to an important point about the language of pictures: Moving pictures favor images that change”. (Postman and Powers, POP Perspectives pg, 486).

Postman and Powers claim that today’s newscasts should actually be called re-creation due their reports coming after the fact. They back their claim with this “All news shows , in a sense, are re-creations in that what we hear and see on them are attempts to re-present actual events, and are not the events themselves”. (Postman and Powers, POP Perspectives pg, 482).

Young Vader “Forces” Excitement about the 2011 VW

From the opening scene to the closing credits this commercial evokes all types of emotions.  In this very entertaining and humorous commercial both genders are evident. The commercial then covers all facets of the family. Of course the boy as Vader, but it is obvious a young girl is present due to the pink room and doll. The traditional rolls of mother and father appear to be present as, mom is there to make a sandwich for the boy as dad arrives home from work. The genders interact as expected right down to the reluctant dog even playing his part to complete the family.

           An interesting aspect to this commercial is the use of Darth Vader from Star Wars which has been around for decades. Through remakes and enhanced technology it seems Star Wars has not lost its popularity. As long as the imagination of people can be reignited Darth Vader will still be a movie icon for another thirty years. It may very well be that when little Vader in this commercial is an adult he’ll get to laugh at some child playing the part in the future.

             When considering the undertone of the basic story and this family dynamic, try to see the overall picture. Watch as the parents allow young Vader to act out his quest to “use the force”. One might make the argument that he is finding his own way in the world and with the force comes his independence.  May the Force be with you.
