Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The torch is past as rap transitions back to pop

There are not many video’s that can cover so many different relationships as well as this video does. This was a well-made and creatively fun video.  In this music video “Baby” featuring Justin Bieber there is two groups clearly represented. The opening scene shows a group of teenage girls already in the bowling alley enjoying the night. It appears a group of boys show up with Bieber in a preplanned meeting. As teens at this age are beginning to show attraction to the opposite sex this would be considered very normal. The video taking place in a bowling alley accomplishes two things. With the size of a bowling alley it is the right size for the teens to dance safely without appearing staged. Second and probably more important is it connects the current generation to those of that past.

            With the introduction of Ludicrous a rapper with Bieber an up and coming pop start the merging of styles may be seen as passing of the torch. As times change so does the music industry and this video is no different. When you consider a thought of maximizing profits this video hits two cultures and bridges the age gap. The creator of this video did his/her homework when it comes to the reality of a Ludicrous to Bieber interaction. As they sing together you can get that almost adoptive big brother feel of their blend of styles. This relationship shows an egger young Bieber looking up to an older and more experienced Ludicrous

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